Thursday, March 10, 2011

Levels of competancy

Over the years, in whatever we do, we all go through the learning process of the following:

Unconsciously incompetent:  This is where we don't even know what we don't know.

Consciously incompetent:  Once the "journey" begins, we start to realize the vast amount of information we don't have a grasp on yet.

Consciously competent:  At this level, we can now do the tasks if we think about the process, what we have to do and how to do it.

Unconsciously competent: This is the best level to be at and is the most rewarding.  We can do the job/tasks and excel to the top without thinking about it - you are just correctly reacting and winning.  One danger here, this is a level that we can become and remain stagnate.

On that 4th level, in order to grow, you need to step outside of your comfort zone, even when you are successful.  When doing so, you may become unconsciously incompetent again, which may be scary to some.

I'll relate more of this in later blogs when it comes to photographers (and models) regarding the industry.  Why do SO many "models" start out, do shoots and really never take it anywhere else?  There are several answers.... stay tuned.

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